Part 35 Expert and Assessor Services
Environmental Plant
Boilers and Boiler Installations
Heating and Cooling Equipment
Heat Transfer & Fluid Handling Systems
Our Record
We have served as expert witness in thermal engineering topics across England, Wales, Scotland & the United States since 1998. Where practicable, we act as Single Joint Witness under the Civil Procedure Rules - CPR - which stress the primary duty of an expert as being to the Court. In any event, we may be relied upon to give accurate technical advice. Not all our commissions are necessarily intended for formal litigation. We have a strong record in Expert Witness ADR, either independently or working with instructing solicitors, and most of our cases are settled out-of-court to general benefit and satisfaction.
Specimen Resolution
The following case illustrates our practical approach to the dispute resolution process. It was remarkable for failures at each stage of the resourcing chain:
The Environment Agency had been called in response to complaints of excessive vapour plume emission from the exhaust stack of a shell & tube boiler, fired by wood waste from the furniture factory where it was installed. The system was losing water, although visual inspections had showed no defect. Our investigation proved this to result from the boiler having been built using faulty tubes: the seam welder had "missed" a significant length of run as the formed section passed through the mill. Notedly, inspections at tubemill, stockholder, converter and the boiler manufacturer had all passed unremarked. The affected tubes sprang apart when cut through, as shown in the photo. Summary Judgment was obtained and applied.
Other Instances:
Failure of refrigeration machinery at fish processing plant
Structural integrity of a pair of steam ploughing engines
Heat transfer expert witness in thermal oxidizer failure
ADR re University Campus Energy Resource Centre
Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak at aluminium plant
Structural Failures in Imported Biomass Boilers
Expert services & ADR through BBC “Watchdog”
Expert witness in process plant prosecutions
Single Joint Expert re heat pump installation
Boiler Corrosion Investigation & Analysis
Flawed soft drinks manufacturing line
Electrical appliances prosecution
Aquaculture systems failure
Batch-fired boiler litigation